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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Charlie Sheen moves in with new girlfriend

Charlie Sheen has wasted no time moving on from estranged wife Denise Richards and is already living with new girlfriend Brooke Mueller.

Sheen has been dating the 28-year-old former actress and real estate agent for the past two months after meeting her at a party in May.

A source tells American publication Us Weekly the couple are living together: "Brooke is in love. Charlie is a solid guy and they are very compatible."

Mueller is no stranger to having a high-profile Hollywood relationship -- she previously dated "Wedding Crashers" actor Owen Wilson and "Friends" star Matthew Perry.

Mueller's parents have already met her new love and given him their seal of approval, with her mother Moira Wolofsky-Fiore saying, "We've never seen Brooke so happy -- she told me she's the happiest she's ever been. I'm so thrilled for both of them."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun fun fun, a starf*cker. Maybe she won't mind his womanizing and abuse.

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