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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Comedian Christopher Titus files for divorce

Christopher Titus, former star of the Fox show, "Titus," has filed for divorce from his wife of 15 years, citing irreconcilable differences.

Titus and his wife, Erin, were married in 1991 and have two kids; Kennie, 4, and Jett, 2. Christopher is seeking legal and physical custody of the kids.



Blogger Blood for Cookies said...

That's a bummer. Chris is a good guy and Erin is a total sweetie. Then again, till death till us part is a tall order.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From willieboy1 Heartfelt regards to Chris and wife.Hope you can work your differences out. Chris,saw you on comedy central.Awesome show.You sure tore down the cross,built a bridge and ran across it!Happy New Year to you and yours.Hope the"FOUR"of you can come to an amicable decision."DON'T" let any goddam lawyer make your troubles worse.BEEN THERE!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awe, that's sad to hear.
Just watched him on Comedy Central, his "Norman Rockwell Is Bleeding" and his story of his wife was....great.
Sorry to hear it.

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