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Thursday, June 22, 2006
DMX busted again

Rapper DMX has been caught by police in Arizona with a concealed handgun, his third run-in with the law in just three weeks.

Cops stopped DMX -- real name Earl Simmons -- near a nightclub in Scottsdale after spotting him place a handgun under the front seat of his car.

The hip-hop star wasn't arrested, instead officers cited him for a misdemeanor charge of not having a permit to conceal the weapon.

Detective Sam Bailey tells, "He had the top down, the cops were right in the area, and they saw him take out the gun and put it under the front seat."

On June 2, DMX was stopped by police for speeding and cutting off another motorist in White Plains, N.Y., and charged with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Two weeks later, he was issued with a summons for driving on the hard shoulder of a road to avoid congestion in Harrison, N.Y.

He is due in court in Harrison on July 21.



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