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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Andy Warhol's Silver Wig Sells for $10,800

Bidders flipped their wigs Thursday at a Manhattan auction where one of pop art icon Andy Warhol's signature silver hairpieces sold for $10,800.

The wig, complete with three strips of toupee tape applied to its inside, was worn by Warhol during the early 1980s. Warhol first began wearing the hairpieces in the early 1960s, and they eventually turned into fashion accessories more than a cover-up for his baldness. Presale estimates for the hairpiece were $4,000 to $6,000.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy Warhol was a pretty eccentric guy... It's crazy how his hairpiece sold that much. What about his art?! It's funny how people know him for being a total character, but few people know the influence he had in music. He actually made the Velvet Underground famous. If you want more info on that, you can check out this Andy Warhol biography.

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