Britney Spears' first husband Jason Alexander claims the pop superstar has had cosmetic surgery on her stomach following the birth of her second child in September.
Alexander and Spears were childhood friends from Louisiana and tied the knot in Las Vegas in 2004, only to have the marriage annulled 55 hours later.
And Alexander believes that Spears is determined to get herself into shape following her recent separation from second husband Kevin Federline, with whom she has two children.
He says, "Britney has to be seen to get out there now and be seen to be looking good and so on. She's doing all that. She's been locked down for two years.
"She had a tummy tuck after the birth of her second child. She's working on all of that. She's worth hundreds of millions -- of course she looks good.
"She has the money to have surgery and nutritionists and get her body back. And now she's focused, she is doing it. She's motivated -- she just got rid of a man."
Alexander is better than K-Fed
All information about Britney Spears in www.britjeanspears.org, the most interesting blogs in en.bitacle.org or one of the best Britney Spears blogs in www.britjeanspearsnews.blogspot.com
Take his fat ass down. Thieving motherfucker!
Our UFO has landed quietly last night in a densely populated coordinate at a region humans refer to as "Germany."
This particular congregation was generating so much noise we were compelled to study the anomaly.
As we approached the boiling source of haphazard frequencies, our superb training took over. We were well-trained to
investigate any unusual source and level of human commotion and report immediately back to our ZX-879 headquarters.
Turning on our invisibility shield helped us get really close to the subject of examination without being detected.
As we reached the egg shaped concrete container filled with 100,000 or so human subjects, the noise level rose to
such unimaginable heights that we had to shut down our frequency analyzers for fear of damaging their sensitive
When we cleared the top of the concrete structure we were blinded with thousands of light-emitting radiation
Then we saw them -- 22 voluntary humans darting back and forth in alternating sequences of random and
seemingly-goal-oriented sprints. We have checked our central computer to decipher the modal characteristic of such
kinetic outbursts and we were advised to locate the focal source of coordinated agitation.
Choosing the right perfume can be difficult and because it is also considered an intimate gift buying the wrong perfume
can backfire on you and get you the opposite result of that which you hoped for.
The first thing you need to do is do some homework, meaning research. Look at your lady's perfume bottles, the ones that
are nearly empty will be her favorites. If there is one there that is nearly full chances are she doesn't wear it often
or doesn't like it. Hint around and ask her what types of fragrances she likes and dislikes.
Humans are very sensory oriented and our sense of smell is no different. Certain perfumes can elicit strong reactions in
both the wearer and the person reacting to the scent. Perfumes are made not only to attract but to also relax someone. If
you aren't totally sure what kind of perfume to buy you can always play it safe and get something in the aromatherapy
line. If you go this route, bear in mind that vanilla scents are considered to relax and a peppermint or lemon scent will
be more stimulating.
Great readding this
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