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Sunday, October 08, 2006
Paris Hilton Voted Most Over-Exposed Celeb

Paris Hilton is the most over-exposed celebrity that the public wants to see less of. A survey conducted by showed the public has grown tired seeing the star of "A Simple Life."

She is followed by singer Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, Spears' husband Kevin Federline, former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson, actress Lindsay Lohan, Tom Cruise and Nicole Richie.

The Olsen twins May Kate and Ashley also made it to the list at number eight followed by Michael Jackson, businessman Donald Trump and Jessica Simpson, whose "overexposure" rating had soared from 17 percent in 2003 to 41 percent in mid-2006.

Robert Thompson, the founding director of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University, suggests to these celebrities to learn how to study the fine line between courting the spotlight and knowing when to retreat.

He said, "It's a challenge because celebrity in many ways is defined by how much exposure you get.

"But the perfect equation is to get as much exposure as you possibly can right up to the moment when it gets to be too much, and then you want to pull back."



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