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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Barbara Walters Harshly Scolds Co-Host On 'The View'

Veteran newswoman Barbara Walters hit out at co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck live on the air Wednesday after a disagreement over the morning-after pill.

The panel on the talk show "The View" were discussing the day's "hot topics" -- including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's plan to consider selling the morning-after pill over the counter -- when the debate became heated.

The politically conservative Hasselbeck could barely contain herself as the topic was introduced saying, "My heart is almost out of my chest right now -- I feel very strongly about this" before venting her fury.

Guest co-host Lisa Loeb tried to step in and disagree, calling Hasselbeck's views "extreme."

Walters desperately tried to rein Hasselbeck in as she went on her rant, but was repeatedly cut-off.

A visibly annoyed Walters took control of the conversation scolding her co-host saying, "Elisabeth, calm down! Everybody has strong opinions on this and there are many other arguments other people could give you.

"I think the most important thing, which is what we see today, is to be able to have these discussions and listen to other people's opinions and not go so crazy that you don't listen to other people's opinions.

"We have to have a way of discussing this without exploding, because people have to understand each other."

When Hasselbeck tried to interrupt again, Walters said harshly, "Can we stop now?"

A visibly shaken Hasselbeck then ripped up her note cards as the show cut to commercial.

When the show returned, Walters was comforting her teary co-host, saying, "The wonderful thing about this show is we can have discussions that we feel very emotional about. We respect your opinion."

Hasselbeck appeared on the verge of tears and kissed her co-host saying, "I love being here with you guys" before crawling into Walter's lap and being strangely cradled like a baby.


And the apologies...


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