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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Survivor's Richard Hatch changes prison...again

Richard Hatch, convicted of failing to pay taxes on the $1 million he won on the debut season of "Survivor," has been sent to a federal prison in West Virginia.

Hatch, 45, of Newport, Rhode Island, was sentenced in May to 51 months in prison by a judge who said the reality TV star had lied repeatedly on the witness stand.

Hatch is at the West Virginia Federal Correctional Institute in Morgantown.

Last month, he was moved to the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City after previously being held at the Plymouth County Correctional Facility in Massachusetts.

Hatch became known on CBS's "Survivor" as the "fat naked guy" for refusing to wear clothes.

U.S. District Judge Ernest Torres said at the sentencing hearing that he believed Hatch committed perjury on the witness stand during his trial in January.

"There's no nice way to say it: Mr. Hatch lied," Torres said, later adding that Hatch took a serious offense and made it worse by offering deliberately false testimony.

When Hatch was convicted, Torres said he expected to sentence him to 33 months to 41 months. Instead, he gave him 51 months.

In addition to the "Survivor" prize, Hatch was convicted of evading taxes on $327,000 he earned as co-host of a Boston, Massachusetts radio show and $28,000 in rent on property he owned.

Hatch pleaded ignorance about money matters during the trial. He said he forgot to tell his accountants about some income and claimed he thought the show's producers would pay his taxes.



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