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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Britney Spears vs US Weekly, Part II

Is Us Weekly looking at yet another lawsuit from Britney Spears? While the pop tart is in legal limbo with the tab over claims she and husband Kevin Federline made a sex tape (and then watched it with their legal team), new charges might soon be brought.

The tabloid reportedly just received the following email from Jive Records – with Spears' publicist Leslie Sloane Zelnick and attorney Marty Singer CC'd – about the recent photos of Spears, Federline, and their kids enjoying some private time that was splashed across Us' pages.

"Personal vacation photos belonging to Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were recently stolen. Following the theft, the photos were published by Us Weekly. While the photos depict happy family vacation memories, the couple are nevertheless outraged and saddened that their private family moments appeared in the magazine without their knowledge or consent after the photos were stolen by an unknown perpetrator. The matter is currently under investigation, and Spears and Federline are evaluating all of their legal options."



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