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Friday, June 16, 2006
Britney Spears to give birth in Namibia

Following in the steps of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Britney Spears is considering a Namibian birth for her next baby, a government official said Friday.

Deputy Environment and Tourism Minister Leon Jooste said officials have received an inquiry on behalf of the 24-year-old pop star, who has a 9-month-old son, Sean Preston, with husband Kevin Federline.

"She has shown interest to come over to Namibia," Jooste said by telephone from a conference in neighboring South Africa. "Nothing has been confirmed yet, but there is a definite possibility of that happening."

He declined to provide further details, saying: "She wants to come in very low profile and have some privacy. She might change her mind if we reveal too much now."

There was no immediate response from Spears' New York-based representative, Leslie Sloane Zelnik, to requests by The Associated Press seeking comment.



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