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I just love Alicia Keys. And terrence Howard and his dreamy eyes...
While that is a great event, all is not well with the NAACP, most notably in the upper Northeast, where they run scared of the oppressor all the time:
We think the NAACP should stop and pay attention to its core values instead of throwing gala gatherings and aligning itself with the wrong side and helping to stifle Free Speech. This includes agreeing with a recently-suspended Police Chief Dunn in Jaffrey, New Hampshire who holds secret files on me, a former legal redress chair, and providing character witness to support Robert Kalex, who was found guilty of a Hate Crime against Rory Holland, a former court liason, in Portland, Maine. You can read an actual Supreme Court Decision affirming a Hate Crime conviction in link #3.
They got away with slamming Free Speech in Portland:
But they have not succeeded thus far in New Hampshire, where I am droppin’ mad knowledge:
For a summary article on both jurisdictions, with a taste of Boston in the comments, visit the Political Switchboard for a recently-published commentary:
And Rory’s blog is below. Remember, his assailant, Robert Kalex, was convicted of a Hate Crime, pursuant to 5 MRSA 4681(6), while the NAACP showed up to offer character witness on Kalex’s behalf, according to the Court file and Mr. Holland, the victim.
Enjoyed a lot!
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