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Friday, January 20, 2006
Drew & Fabrizio's Trist at the Opera

Drew Barrymore allegedly had a steamy night of passion... at the opera.

The star's boyfriend Fabrizio Moretti says he was once so bored during a performance of 'La Boheme' he snuck off to the toilet for a sizzling sex session, presumably with Barrymore.

When US magazine Jane asked The Strokes drummer the craziest place he had ever had sex, he confessed: "I had sex in the bathroom at the opera a little while ago, in New York. We went to 'La Boheme' and it was boring. So we decided to go to the bathroom, and we got caught, and it was embarrassing."

The rocker - who first met the actress backstage at a Strokes gig in 2002, and started dating her a year later - added: "If we'd gone to the men's room, people would've heard it and said, 'Good on you, man'. But we were in the ladies' room, and when we heard an old woman start to tinkle, we couldn't help but crack up. I guess she told the security guy - he came in and was like, 'Just go'."

(female first)


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