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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Restaurants Boycott Seafood from Canada

WASHINGTON ­­– The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) announced today that ­­­17 more restaurants in the Los Angeles area, including The Playboy Mansion, have responded to The HSUS' call for a boycott of seafood from Canada until that country's annual slaughter of hundreds of thousands of seals is permanently halted.

The hunt is undeniably cruel—baby seals are clubbed or shot to death primarily for their pelts—many are skinned while still alive and conscious. The U.S. has long banned imports of seal products, but the market for sealskins in Europe provides an incentive for the sealers to take to the ice every spring to kill as many seals as they can. This year's hunt, with over 300,000 baby seals slaughtered, was the largest killing of marine mammals in the world.

The restaurants are:

The Fabiolus Café
Cha Cha Cha
Palermo Ristorante Italiano
Il Piccolino
Le Petit Four Restaurant
The Playboy Mansion
Flora Kitchen
Ca'brea Restaurant
Town and Country Café & Bakery
Flying Leap Café
Madame Matisse
Sunset Bar & Grill
Border Grill
Luna Park

They join other restaurants like Tavern on the Green and companies like Legal Sea Foods, Down East Seafood, The Plitt Company, Whole Foods Markets, Wild Oats Markets, Original Fish, and Spectrum Organics in the United States, and Marks and Spencer in the United Kingdom in taking steps to reduce or end their Canadian seafood sales.

(humane society)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually wrote a review of Le Petit Four on Sunset: Lunch at Le Petit Four on August 18, 2007

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