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Thursday, December 15, 2005
PETA's Worst Dress List

1. Paris Hilton: Now we know what happens to all of Paris Hilton's cast-off pets. And if she keeps on wearing fur and eating at Carl's Jr., she'll be back on the list next year as Star Jones.

2. Kimberly Stewart: What does Kimberly Stewart have in common with the remains of the animals killed for her furs? They're both spoiled rotten. She and best bud Paris are so clueless about animals, they should team up for a new reality show: The Simpletons.

3. Lisa Gastineau: Her "TV career" is just like the fur she wears—dead on arrival. And how can she expect to nab a hot young hunk if she insists on flaunting that old beaver?

4. Victoria Gotti: Gotti's fur coats make her an accessory to murder, and it's a look that goes well with cement shoes. Considering the way she dresses, her show should be called Growing Up Gaudy.

5. Tara Reid: It must have been a heck of a party—she woke up wearing Lindsay Lohan's dog! Not only can she not act, she can't dress herself, either.



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