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Thursday, December 15, 2005
NYC Firefighters Criticize Tom Cruise

Outspoken actor Tom Cruise has been criticized by firefighters suffering the effects of smoke inhalation from the World Trade Center terrorist attacks for his controversial views on their treatment.

The Scientology devotee has urged emergency services victims to give up their medication and inhalers as part of a "purification rundown" that favors sauna sessions, ingestion of cooking oil and large doses of niacin as cures instead.

As co-founder of the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, Cruise has also supported a new Scientology clinic preaching these remedies near the Ground Zero site.
But the unorthodox therapy has been slammed as ridiculous and potentially harmful by members of the medical profession, as well as sufferers themselves.

Deputy Fire Commissioner Frank Gribbon tells Page Six, "If our doctors are prescribing medication, and they (Scientologists) are saying 'don't take it,' that's a problem for us."

He adds that the department's deputy chief medical officer Dr. David Prezant has supported criticism of the treatment, saying, "He (Prezant) is not pleased when patients are advised to disobey doctors' orders. That's where he drew the line."

Cruise, however, has defended the venture, claiming, "More than 500 individuals have recovered health and job fitness through this project."

Wednesday night, he will make a rare personal appearance at a fundraising dinner in New York City for the charity effort.



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