Hilary Duff, 19, and Good Charlotte's Joel Madden, 27, have split, Star has exclusively confirmed. Good Charlotte's manager Steve Feinberg, exclusively confirmed to Star, "Joel is at present, single."
Eyebrows were raised about the status of the couple's relationship when the Chicago Tribune reported that while Joel was in Chicago on Nov. 22 at Enclave nightclub, he announced he was single. The newspaper also reported that their eight-year age difference lead to the split, and that he had been dumped ten days earlier. Hilary and Joel began dating in August 2004.
i think it is about time because joel madden is way older then her and they kind of not looked right for each other but YEAH HILARY FOR DUMPING HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about time he is too good for her. she isn't getting much done with her career maybe now he can focuss on his career. after all he has a band. and plus not like they would survive. they just didn't seem right in the first place. she's a barbie and he is a rockstar. it doesn't fit.
they shudnt av split dnt really matter bout age after a while u get use n u both go 2 gether ngoodcharlotte r the n hillary is really pretty
*about time he is too good for her. she isn't getting much done with her career maybe now he can focuss on his career. after all he has a band. and plus not like they would survive. they just didn't seem right in the first place. she's a barbie and he is a rockstar. it doesn't fit.
how can u say she is not going anywhere with her career more like he was doing nothing i am a fan of good charlotte but i hav not heard a numba 1 from them in a long time and she has starred in a movie put like 4 songs out while being with him so next time do research b4 u "type"
To be honest, Hilary Duff 's career basically plumetted after Lizzie Mcguire. Joel going out with her went against everything he stood for and I'm glad they're over. I have every Good Charlotte album and a lack of number one doesn not correctly portray their talent. Having said that, I am really dissapointed with there new single.. What is that about?!
I love Hilary Duff and when i first saw her and Joel together i was like Hilary .. he isn't the guy for you so when i found out she dumped him i was like good on her even though i don't know the full story and i didn't know the age difference but they didn't look right together so i'm glad she dumped him ... it's about time.Hilary Duff if you ever read this i love you and hope it isn't offensive ... oh you have a great voice by the way xox
omg you selfish people just becouse you all want joel yourself dosent mean you can all dis her she is the only celeb that cares about people like us or dosent just love herself god have some sympothy it must of been hard they have been togeva a long time so grow up you despirate oneabees just cos she has talent you dont have to get all bitchy bout it,she cant help who she is and it dont matter bout age cos its wat ya feel that counts i bet she is a realy nice and caring person you jelous cows, grow up and cillia id lyk to see you do any better omg some girls are well bitchy. and whoever said he isnt the guy for her how the hell do you no are you her best friend now who grew up with her or summet yeah get a grip.if your reading this hilary i got ya dont worry. joal and hilary are just people why do you all have to get invovled in thier love life wen you dont evan no them just cos you see them in mags dosent mean you know them. email me at laurenjacques@msn.com
*how can u say she is not going anywhere with her career more like he was doing nothing i am a fan of good charlotte but i hav not heard a numba 1 from them in a long time and she has starred in a movie put like 4 songs out while being with him so next time do research b4 u "type"
oh please, she didn't hit anything, and hello it's called being in the studio. plus didn't she get raspberry awards for the shit movies she made? and her songs didn't hit number 1 either, plus if you want to make a comment towards what i said, learn how to spell. "b4 u" what are you like 12?
besides good charlotte was in the game long before hilary. she bit the hand that gave her her so called "fame".
oh please you want me to do better.
fuck you twats, i will do better because you know what i dont really care for either of the celebs he did go against everything he sings about. false advertisement. yeah you don't choose who you fall for but come on its a bunch of bullshit you all get over your selves. obviously you can go suck a cunt because you think she has your "backs" and by the way she cares for the people? oh please, she what shows little girls to be annorexic? thats some real fucking role model. whatever you all can shove it.
cilla i agree with you
lauren go fuck off.
Im Not A Big fan of either hillary or Joel for the matter but if you look at the photos they had together. the preety much looked in love and looked really cute who cares about age diffrence its not like he is 20/30/40 years older than her gawd its only like 9 years or something but if hillary really wanted to dump Joel thats her call.. but all you LOSERS out there who think You would even stand a SINGLE CHANCE? with joel get your head screwed on straight :) hes too old For YOU!
I think it was about time that they split. Joel Madden is way to hot and good for her.He has a band which is awesome and her music is bad as. He is way to good for her but i reckon it was a dumb idea for him to start dating nicole richie.
but we still love him.
ok,first off,u can NEVER b to old 4 someone.if u love them and they love u,thats all that matters
Yeah! I agree!!! Age should not be the case! They are so totally in love and they look so good together! WHY??? *sobs*
hey.. ohh i agree to they look aweseom togather and hilary duff she is the cutest girl in the world i loveeeeeeeee u soo much
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