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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Pussycat Dolls Organizers Fined In Malaysia for indecency

Malaysian authorities have fined the organizers of a recent Pussycats Dolls concert for breaking the country's decency laws.

Absolute Entertainment faces a 10,000 Ringgits ($1,800) bill for allowing the female U.S. pop stars to perform "sexually suggestive" routines. Malaysia has a long history of censoring films and banning musicians.

In 2003, rock band Linkin Park was banned from wearing shorts while performing in the country while in 2004, singer Mariah Carey was asked to comply with dress regulations.

The penalty was imposed by the council, which manages the Kuala Lumpur suburb where the event took place, after Malaysia's culture minister Rais Yatim complained that the group's concert featured not only "scantily dressed performers" but also included "sensuous elements".

"I believe the way the Pussycat Dolls behaved on stage amounted to gross indecency," he was quoted as saying in the Malay Mail.

No local officials were present at the July 26th concert, which took place at the Sunway Lagoon theme park, south of the capital Kuala Lumpur.



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