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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Paris Hilton's pet kinkdajou takes a bite

Perhaps channeling the spirit of Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton's pet kinkajou, Baby Luv, bit Paris on the arm early Tuesday morning while the two were playing. We repeat: PARIS' KINKAJOU BIT HER ON THE ARM.

The wound was superficial and Paris spent a few hours at the hospital and received a tetanus shot.

Paris called her publicist, Elliot Mintz, at about 3AM Tuesday morning after the incident occurred. Mintz tells TMZ he drove her to the emergency room where she was seen by a doctor, treated and released. The whole ordeal took just a few hours.

In an odd bit of foreshadowing, an MTV special focused on Paris -- that aired the same day of the incident -- actually featured Baby Luv in a segment, during which the animal tried to bite her.



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