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Friday, August 18, 2006
One review of "Snakes on a Plane"
Not bad enough to be good, but not good enough to be a quality film either...that leaves it in no man's land as a mediocre piece of entertainment. But I'll give it's ALMOST bad enough to be good.

If they'd just pushed the envelope with some bad dialogue to go with the outlandish premise and awful title, then they would've really had something.

The snakes are pretty well done I guess, although the majority of them are unrecognizeable in this part of the world. Snakes that have horns and are blue, no wait, teal and illegal to own in the US are on this plane in droves.

The first 2 attacks are classics though. When a naked breast and then a dingus get attacked in succession, you know that the filmmakers had at least an inkling of what they were doing. There were at least 5 attacks like that that made me laugh out loud...good times. But then the attacks slow down and at one point, it seems like the snakes are all taking a nap or something.

And then Samuel L. Jackson's character proves just how dumb he is by going through with a not-very-well-thought-out plan to evacuate the snakes from the plane. But it does make for the only quoteable quote from the film, and he gets to use a variation of his favorite curse word again...MFer.

There is some great gratuitous nudity which all the men with a pulse in the audience will be thankful for...God bless Samantha McLeod. There are many recognizeable people on the plane as have your P-Diddy, your Paris Hilton, your snotty business executive (who gets his in a great way after disposing of Mary'll see), and of course your apparently gay male flight attendant.

It's exactly what one would expect, and pretty darn entertaining for a popcorn flick. I'd recommend it only as a rental if you're just slightly curious, but if you plan on going to the theater with a group of people to see this one...go!

You'll have a good time. It's stupid, and for the most part, it knows it. If it could've only been a little more stupid, it would've been bad-good. Almost.



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