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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Liz Hurley Says She Plans To Marry Arun Nayar And Have Another Baby

Liz Hurley has admitted that she intendeds to marry her NRI boyfriend Arun Nayar and begin a family.

"I cannot reveal to you the exact date but it is very close. We are even thinking of having a child," Liz said as reported by The Daily Mirror.

The actress had earlier dismissed all reports as "fiction", but admitted she is to wed in an interview with Italian Vanity Fair.

The 41-year-old model when asked how will she adjust to the married life she said "I'll let you know. I was with Hollywood actor Hugh Grant for 13 years and we were like husband and wife so I don't think there will be any great difference."

Liz, mother of a boy Damian, 4, is presently promoting her swimwear range, and said her boyfriend and son have a good relationship.

"When I was on a photo shoot recently Arun and Damian went to St Tropez on their first holiday together without me. They were on a mission to look at all the women in bikinis and make notes for market research. Damian adores Arun, they have a great relationship."

On the topic of Hugh Grant, Liz said "Look, in general I am not very tolerant. My friends call me the hanging judge but with Hugh it was different. If you truly love someone then you forgive them and that's it - and I really loved him. Even now even though we hardly see each other I still like him enormously".



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