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Monday, August 21, 2006
El' Stinko: K-Fed's performance

Kevin Federline's TV debut as a rapper is getting derided as a not-ready-for-prime-time disaster by critics in cyberspace and the hip-hop community.

On Sunday, Federline -- also known has K-Fed and Mr. Britney Spears -- performed his new single "Lose Control" to the peppy crowd at the eighth annual Teen Choice Awards, which aired on Fox. Introduced by his wife, who was dressed in a cleavage-baring mini-dress despite her late pregnancy, Federline stalked about the stage with attitude as he rapped about his bling, popping Cristal (obviously oblivious of the whole hip-hop Cristal boycott) and his amazing rhyming skills.

"Don't hate because I'm a superstar! And I'm married to a superstar! Nothin' come between us no matter who you are!" he declared, as dancers pop-locked as his side.

It was the most anticipated performance of the night -- and the most ridiculed. By morning, videos of it were splashed on Web sites like and various blogs, accompanied by catty comments mocking both Federline and his wife.

If the Web world isn't exactly accepting of Federline's rap-star ambitions, the hip-hop community is even less so.

Elliot Wilson, editor in chief of XXL magazine, hadn't seen Federline's TV debut. Still, he called it a "YouTube disaster" -- something to be laughed off in hip-hop circles.

"I just think we ignore him," Wilson told The Associated Press on Monday. "He's a joke, basically. ... I just don't think he gets it. He doesn't get that he's Britney's man and it's hard to take him seriously."

Jermaine Hall, executive editor of King magazine, echoes that sentiment.

"The thing that really hurts him is the fact that he's perceived as Britney's husband," Hall, who had yet to see the performance, told the AP. "You know, kinda like Britney's second -- I don't even want to say second in command, but -- he's like the Britney Boy. He's like Mrs. Spears, and it's kinda hard to get over that perception."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is horible, feel bad for the guy. but it did take some guts to get up there and make a full of himself.

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