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Monday, August 14, 2006
Charlie Sheen- Denise Richards Divorce Said Resolved

The acrimony is apparently over for the once-coupled Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards.

Lawyers for Sheen and Richards met with a judge in chambers Monday and emerged to announce there had been an amicable resolution in the divorce case. Richards filed for divorce in March 2005 to end her three-year marriage.

Sheen attorney Lance Spiegel and Richards lawyer Neal R. Hersh said issues before the court were resolved during the meeting with Superior Court Judge Marjorie Steinberg.

A Sept. 12 hearing that had been scheduled for a child custody evaluation will not be held and there are no future court dates, Hersch said. No judgment has been entered in their divorce.

The attorneys wouldn't elaborate on the issues resolved Monday. They also refused to say whether a restraining order Richards obtained against Sheen in April remained in effect.

The restraining order was issued after Richards claimed Sheen abused prescription drugs, gambled compulsively and had been physically and verbally abusive.

Sheen, who turns 41 on Sept. 3, denied what he called "false allegations."

The restraining order directed Sheen to stay at least 300 yards away from the 35-year-old actress and their daughters Sam, 2, and year-old Lola. Sheen is allowed one-day-a-week supervised visitation with the girls.



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