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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Foxy Brown fails to appear in court

Rapper Foxy Brown failed to appear in a New Jersey court Tuesday to testify in a harassment suit filed by her former assistant.

Brown, real name Inga Marchand, has been accused of making "terroristic threats" and "verbally abusing" her former personal assistant Rasheeda Ellis in e-mails and phone calls after her ex-employee attempted to collect her last paycheck.

New Jersey resident Ellis worked briefly for the 26-year-old rapper before quitting in June and filed the harassment charges against her a few weeks later, reports the New York Daily News.

An official from the Jersey City Municipal Court said there was no arrest warrant for Marchand, because her accuser also failed to attend because mistakenly thought the hearing was taking place at Hudson County Superior Court.

Meanwhile, Brown is due to attended Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday after allegedly beating two nail salon workers in an argument over payment in August 2004.



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