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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Tori Spelling has a fit about hubby's ex-wife

GASOLINE and a lighted match mix as well as Tori Spelling and the ex-wife of her new hubby, Dean McDermott. Mary Jo Eustace was dumped last year by the actor after he fell for Spelling on a movie set. Now she’s shopping a tell-all. Sunday night, Eustace was ordered to leave the MuchMusic awards in Toronto after the billionaire heiress-actress threw a fit.

“Tori, who was presenting, told the organizers either Mary Jo must go or she would,” said gossip columnist Shinan Govani, who escorted Eustace. “So we were secretly taken to an adjoining building to see it on TV, along with our own waiter and wine and shrimp.” As they watched, Spelling joked to the audience how great it is being married to a Canadian: “They’re a lot nicer

and they have nasty ex-wives who write tellall books. What more could a girl ask for?” Snapped Eustace to Govani: “Welcome to my life. I’m up against a dynasty.”

A disgusted Spelling told Page Six: “She plays the victim card over and over . . . It’s pathetic bordering on lunacy. I hope for the sake of her children she gains some self respect.” Tori also denied she ordered Mary Jo out.



Blogger *** said...

Hmm, I'm thinking Tori is a little insecure.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What "NERVE" I hope her "loser husband" shows his true side to her after 10 years and adopting a kid less then a year ago!! Lets see how "gracfully" she accepts losing a husband . You cannot "purchase" love Tori or respectability thats somthing you earn or is "given" . Remember what goes around comes around and I have a feeling it won't be long and no one has it comming more then you!!

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