Cost of the War in Iraq
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Stevie Nicks donates iPods to US troops

Singer Stevie Nicks is doing her part to support US troops by donating hundreds of iPods to soldiers wounded in Iraq.

The former Fleetwood Mac star regularly visits soldiers at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

She explains, "I refuse to be pulled into the politics of war. But once these soldiers sign up, go to war and come back to a hospital, I will do whatever it takes to make them better."

Nicks has provided iPods loaded with her music, along with fellow artists Aerosmith and Elvis Presley.

She has also sent baby clothes to war widows, joined bedside vigils and with the United Service Organization, hopes to provide every returning soldier with a music player.

She adds, "Any one of them could be my own child. You can't help falling in love with every one of them."



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