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Friday, June 16, 2006
Sandra Bernhard and Elizabeth Hasselbeck have a tiff

Come back, Meredith! Now that the show's smoothest operator has ditched "The View," everything's descended into total and utter chaos, if this morning's edition was any indication.

Comedienne Sandra Bernhard appeared on the show and, amidst a discussion about Laura Bush, characterized the First Lady, with her typical acidity as "heavily medicated." Co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck, a vocally ardent Republican, took acute exception and tried to defend Mrs. Bush's work on childhood education, whereupon Bernhard called Hasselbeck "honey" – and then the sparks really flew.

It was all a bit too much for Joy Behar to bear, apparently.

Watch the video here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernard is an idiot. Her comment was inflammatory with no merit or basis in fact. And calling Elisabeth "Honey" was class-less. Someone may actually listen to her horse face talk if she had bothered to say anything substantive.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" says that Bernhard is an idiot? I think not. She's not only intelligent, but right. The brainless one in that conversation was that Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who is about the most ditzy knucklehead I've ever seen. She is the weak link in an otherwise good lineup of women. I don't agree with all of their views - especially not Star's, but at least she has a brain and makes sense, unlike Elisabeth who's just plain idiotic. I don't think I've ever heard her say anything even remotely intelligent. The show would have been MUCH better if she had left instead of Meredith, who is also a bright women.
Sandra - keep speaking the truth and not being afraid of consequences. You rock!
Elizabeth - get a life!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is so unprofessional. When was the last time you saw Barbara Walters lose it with a guest?

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You sound totally partisan and not particulary intelligent youself. To acuse the first lady as "heavily medicated" rather than an intelligent and digified woman who has a GENUINE interest in the future is our children is nothing less than unreasonable and close minded.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

for crying out loud! bernhard is a friggin'comedienne and she talks trash about everybody. besides, she's entitled to think that mrs. bush is a crackhead if she wants to - probably not far from the truth. the show is called "the view," numbnut and everyone's got one and should be free to express it. elizabeth is just out of control with her hysterical ranting and raving towards guests (she also flipped out on loeb over the morning after pill) - she's got to go.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are all worthless jooz.With any luck that show will get targeted by terrorists and the world will be a better place

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