The fur really could fly on TV's latest reality entry: It stars cats. Ten felines, picked from animal shelters nationwide, will live in a New York house to vie a la "Big Brother" or "Survivor" for a grand prize, in this instance an executive-level job with Meow Mix cat food.
"This thing is very tongue-in-cheek," Ira Cohen, the company's director of advertising and marketing, said Thursday.
The project will be shown in three-minute segments in the 9 p.m. EDT hour Friday on the Animal Planet channel for 10 consecutive weeks, starting June 16. It had yet to be decided if the segments from the Webcam-equipped "Meow Mix House" on Madison Avenue will air at the same time each night.
The spots, which Cohen said he preferred to call "a program within a program" rather than commercials, are intended as an eye-catching marketing tool for Meow Mix. But they're also aimed at increasing awareness of the importance of pet adoptions, Cohen said.
That is so awesome! That could be my house someday...I have adopted two cats from A.R.A.S. (a local cat shelter) in the last nine months. They're so fun and crazy and they really seem to love each other!
Cats are funny and loving and fabulous! This little mini-program should be awesome.
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