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Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Is Anna Nicole Smith pregnant?

Execs at Trimspa should be careful about scolding their diet program spokesmodel Anna Nicole Smith if she gains a few pounds. Sources say she has an airtight excuse: She's pregnant.

If true, the former Playmate - who battled relatives of her late husband, J. Howard Marshall 2nd, at the Supreme Court over his estate - could be in for another scrap.

Smith, 38, is said to have conceived the child with the help of a friend.

"Anna's freaking out because she got pregnant by this guy, who's now saying, 'I want money and access to the kid,'" an insider tells our Gatecrashing colleague, Ben Widdicombe.

Smith's Supreme Court attorney, Kent Richland, declined to comment yesterday, referring our call to her manager-lawyer, Howard K. Stern, who couldn't be reached.



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