Britney Spears inspired outrage and a plethora of Oops, She Did it Again headlines when a picture surfaced showing her son strapped in the backseat of her car facing forward instead of backward, which is the safer direction for car seats to face according to California motor-vehicle codes. The New York Post reports:
Babies under 20 pounds or less than a year old should have their car seats facing backward, according to California motor-vehicle codes, and 8-month-old Sean Preston is facing forward as Spears rolls along in her Mini Cooper with its top down.
“The seat is facing the wrong way. We like it when the child’s head is facing back,” said California Highway Patrol spokesman Tom Marshall.
Spears’ rep responded:
It has been reported that there is a photo of Britney Spears driving with her child sitting in a forward-facing child safety seat in the back seat of the car. Having a child in the child safety seat facing forward in the rear seat of the car is in compliance with California law. California law requires, pursuant to Vehicle Code §27360, that all children under the age of six or weighing less than 60 lbs. be in safety seats in the back seat of the car. There is no law in California requiring rear-facing car seats. In fact, there are only ten states that require a child to be in a rear-facing car seat, and in two of those states it is not required if the infant is more than 20 lbs. Britney’s son Sean weighs over 20 lbs. As such, Britney Spears was in total compliance with California law with the forward-facing child safety car seat with the baby strapped in properly in the back of the car.
Can someone just hire her a Pediatrician to advise her of everything normal Mothers seem to already know?
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