PAULA Abdul is being accused of concocting a story to cover up being ejected from a club. Two weeks ago, Abdul claimed a man (identified as CAA agent Jim Lefkowitz) "grabbed her by the arm and threw her against a wall," Us Weekly reported, during a party at the traveling after-hours club Xenii in L.A. - resulting in "a concussion and spinal injuries."
A police investigation was launched but may have been called off, as Lefkowitz has yet to be contacted by cops. Two witnesses tell Page Six Abdul looked "drunk" and "out of it" and was the one kicked out of the party with ex-boyfriend Dante Spencer.
Insiders theorize she concocted a story to counter witnesses' claims that she'd been tossed from Xenii for being "falling-down drunk."
Lefkowitz's lawyer, Michael Nasatir, said yesterday: "The press accounts of the so-called altercation between Jim Lefkowitz and Paula Abdul at Xenii last Sunday morning are completely outrageous and utterly false. Mr. Lefkowitz did not have an argument with Ms. Abdul nor did he have any physical contact with her whatsoever . . . he was merely an innocent bystander at an unfortunate incident."
A rep said Abdul was unavailable for comment.
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