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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
'Idol's Ryan and Paula Disagree on Feud

"American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest says he and judge Paula Abdul aren't speaking to one another, but Abdul calls reports of a feud "ridiculous."

Seacrest told People magazine last week that his relationship with Abdul was "awkward."

"I don't know what the deal is. It's very awkward," he was quoted as saying.

The 31-year-old Seacrest, who openly spars with "Idol" judge Simon Cowell, told the magazine: "Simon and I go back and forth with each other, but it's in a different way."

Asked if he was speaking to Abdul, Seacrest answered, "No."

Seacrest also said he hadn't talked to Abdul about the apparent rift.

"You know, I walked past her dressing room the other day and there was a group of people gathered in front of the door, so I can't even talk to her," he said.

Abdul dismissed reports of off-camera animosity in a statement Tuesday to The Associated Press.

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