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Saturday, April 22, 2006
George Michael feuding with Elton John again

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- British pop star George Michael has reignited his feud with Elton John, saying recent harsh media treatment of his personal life started when John made adverse comments about his state of mind.

British tabloid the Daily Mirror printed the headline: "Drugs Could Kill George Michael" after the 42-year-old was arrested in February for possessing illegal drugs.

"The trajectory of my particular soap opera (with the press) launched from that statement Elton made about 18 months ago when Elton hadn't seen me for years," Michael told ITV host Michael Parkinson.

"Elton said he thought I was really miserable for some reason. From that point on I've been trying to prove that I'm not. Unfortunately it made me incredibly vulnerable to the press."

In December, 2004, John said Michael appeared to be in a "strange place," wasting his talent by staying at home and shunning the limelight.



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