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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Who Could it Be? Actor Pleasures Himself During Massage

A HOLLYWOOD superstar performed a sex act on himself while enjoying a massage, a hotel worker has claimed.

The American A-list actor is said to have dropped his towel and exposed himself to the stunned masseuse.

The woman claimed he then carried out the "disgusting" act in front of her in the hotel spa.

The star - who cannot be named for legal reasons - was on a golfing holiday with his wife and staying at the Old Course Hotel in St Andrews, Scotland.

The masseuse, 34, told an industrial tribunal she felt "abused" by the actor's actions.

She said: "It was disgusting and, even though he was a Hollywood superstar, I couldn't believe he thought he could get away with something like that. He abused me and I considered that a criminal act.

"When I was giving his wife a massage afterwards, I wanted to tell her everything."

The woman - who is claiming unfair dismissal against Old Course Ltd - told the Dundee tribunal she had given the actor a massage the day before during which he had touched her back.

She said: "The next day he came back and asked how I was. He asked if he made me uncomfortable by touching me, but I said no, I was a professional and you have to learn to deal with difficult clients. I asked him how he liked his massage and he said he liked it sweet. I thought it a strange term to describe a massage.

"He asked me if I was comfortable touching him everywhere and I said no.

"Throughout the massage, he kept putting his hand underneath his towel but he never kept it there long enough for me to suspect anything.

"Then I moved to the top of his body to massage his head."

She told the tribunal the actor grabbed her wrist forcefully, whipped off his towel, exposed himself and performed the sex act.

read more...the mirror

Update! Read here for more details.....

Thanks Rodger!


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