Superhero-for-animals Pamela Anderson has created an online petition that she will personally deliver in Canada, urging Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end the country's cruel seal hunt. As you may know, this infamous hunt kills up to 335,000 baby harp seals every year for their fur.
Please take this simple step to save the seals and please don't forget to pass this on to friends and family.
Pam Anderson is once again proving her idiocy by attaching her name to this "cause". These animals are killed, no differently than are the chickens, beef, fish, etc. etc. that show up on most Americans tables every day. The only difference is, these groups aren't going to take on the 'big guns'... look what happened to Oprah.
The sealing industry keeps the economy alive in a part of the world where there isn't a whole lot of industry otherwise. To eradicate the seal hunt (which is as humane as killing animals can get, by the way), would severely disrupt the lives of a number of aboriginal and native northern people.
Think about it.
Educate yourself about this issue (any issue!) before you sign any petition.
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