GEORGE Clooney has a plan to destroy the Gawker stalker Web site. While some power publicists propose new laws to protect their pampered clients, Clooney says there's an easier way to deal with instantly posted sightings of celebrities, which provide their whereabouts to potential stalkers - flood Gawker with lies.
"There is a simple way to render these guys useless," Clooney advised in an e-mail his publicist sent out to various other show-business publicists. "Flood their Web site with bogus sightings. Get your clients to get 10 friends to text in fake sightings of any number of stars. A couple hundred conflicting sightings and this Web site is worthless. No need to try to create new laws to restrict free speech. Just make them useless. That's the fun of it. And then sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks, George."
Considering the proliferation of sightings on Gawker.com yesterday, we think his devil's work is already in progress.
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