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Friday, February 03, 2006
Tom Sizemore Fails Drug Test

Prosecutors accused actor Tom Sizemore of failing another drug test and of getting thrown out of a drug treatment program for arguing with another person.

Deputy District Attorney Sean Carney told a judge that Sizemore violated his probation by testing positive for drugs on Jan. 23 and being ousted from a treatment program Tuesday.

But Sizemore told Superior Court Judge T.K. Herman he was just talking with the other person at the program, adding the man would testify on his behalf when his hearing resumes Tuesday.

Herman called the hearing Thursday to determine if Sizemore's probation, stemming from a conviction for methamphetamine possession, should be revoked a second time because of the latest accusations. If that happens, the 44-year-old actor could face 16 months in prison.

Sizemore's probation was revoked in July after he admitted using a prosthetic device to fake a drug test and failing to be checked for drugs every three days.

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