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Friday, February 10, 2006
"The Pink Panther" Sucks

This is what happens when friends don't tell each other the truth. Steve Martin didn't tell Shawn Levy he had no business directing a slapstick comedy, and Levy didn't tell Martin that he just wasn't funny as Inspector Clouseau. And so now it's left to critics and audiences to break the news about this graceless, embarrassing effort to resurrect the "Pink Panther" franchise.

That "The Pink Panther" is as awful as this comes as a surprise.

complete story - sfgate


Blogger Unknown said...

How can anyone think we want to watch this crap? Steve Martin is a f@#%&*! joke. Peter Sellers should haunt him for this. Remakes are for losers. Period. Stop making tripe thinking everyone is too stupid to notice.

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