Would-be criminals beware: you don't want to run afoul of Deputy Lou "The Incredible Hulk" Ferrigno.
The former bodybuilder and star of the 1970s TV show no longer turns into a raging green monster when he sees people breaking the law. But since being sworn in Monday night as a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department reserve deputy, he has the power to arrest them.
"I'm having a blast," Ferrigno told The Associated Press after his swearing-in ceremony.
"My father was a police officer with the New York Police Department, I've always had a high respect for officers," he added. "I want to give back to the community, and I want to work with young kids, help them get off drugs."
Ferrigno, 54, began training to become a reserve deputy last September after passing a background check. He completed training in firearms, first aid, and high speed driving techniques and was recognized as "an outstanding trainee" by Sheriff Lee Baca.

If he wants to be a cop, I guess that is his choice. But he should ask himself why we need them and our evil governments for along with Satan's prisons that never reform people and are a waste of money and space.
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