Eminem was so appalled by his overweight appearance at this year's Grammy Awards he has enlisted the help of a personal trainer to help him get back in shape.
The hitmaker will pay over $17,000 a month for the fitness expert, who is also currently helping Janet Jackson to slim down.
After seeing a playback of the Grammy ceremony, Eminem told a friend, "I can't [bleep] believe how I looked.
"I mean, I look nothing like me, man!"
Funny how Eminem is more concerned about his appearance than the damage his music is causing to millions of young men and women.
I wish he felt this way instead when his music came on the radio. He's a misogynist whose wasting his talent focused on the wrong thing!
Not so Slim Shady eh?!
you are both fuckin idiots, how can he focus his talent on the wrong thing. for all you know he would have never discovered his talent or been able to use it without being propelled by such a strong emotion. there is no reason to censor art ever, mark twain uses the word nigger in his books it doesnt take away from their integrity in the least, and if eminem changed his music it would no longer hold the same truth to him as a person. if you dont like what something says fuck off and listen to WHAM. you are a fucking facist, freedom of speech means the freedom to insult you fuckin douche
fuck eminem his just some ICP wannabe fag
juggalos own that fag
Is that Slim Shady standing up or is it Boy George?
Dont worry Marshall You are still one hot man :)! and a hell of a good rapper...my brothers 13 and hes been listening to you since I have been...which means I was 8, and he was 4...I love ya Marshall
u people are ignorant morons. his music hurting millions of people? seriously get a life and think for yourself.
you guys are rrrrrreeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyyy stupid. He doesn't mean half the stuff he raps about it's just for kicks. and it is really funny. And most of teh songs he writes is sarcastic.
And if you don't like his music that much then don't listen to it! God you people need help. And he needs the workout. I was surprised myself to see him that big. But whatever he used to be hott before he let himself go. At least he is doing something about it now.
Until laer.....
Who the hell cares what weight he is at!! Just because you are gaining weight, only means you are happy in your life.. Hell, I didnt gain weight until my mid thirties!!LOL.
I am 42 now and not so firm anymore, My wife loves me, My friends love me..
That is what it is about, not some lame fuckers on a web sight hacking on a guy who made millions being himself.
If this is you now Em??
Rock it!!!
I will still listen.
Weight doesnt mean your brain wont rap correctly.. Geez..
The people that commented in a negative way need to get a life.
Life is about being happy, not about how you look to people you will never meet..
I am out.. Ohh, I forgot!!!
Im taking you fuckers wit me!!
(Shot, shot, shot!!))
lmao!! That was great ..
hey bloggers get a life,leave eminem alone and work on fixing ur own messed up life and not worry about someone that has money.
Honestly, I don't think he looks that fat.
someone here said that emeinem is "damaging" people with his music. Young men and women.
I'd say the only person he's ever damaged with is music was Moby, and he's old.
Others are merely irritated, or recognize him as a talent.
Amens to that bro.
And, I don't think that E has ever or will ever use the "N" word. If he has, please let us all know which song it is in where he says it.
Others that rap with him might, but I do not recall him saying it. Dre & Snoop would pop one in his arse at the same time.....
eminem u fucking dick head , do pills (speed) like u say in your songs .My life is fuck top because of that but i dont give a fuck cause im not fucking fat like u u ass fucking fucker . Kill your self and piss on your mom while your at it . gabmen70@hotmail.com DO PILLS FUCKHEAD
eminem u fucking dick head , do pills (speed) like u say in your songs .My life is fuck top because of that but i dont give a fuck cause im not fucking fat like u u ass fucking fucker . Kill your self and piss on your mom while your at it . gabmen70@hotmail.com DO PILLS FUCKHEAD
its yr fault u took pills! not eminems!!!
he speaks from experience, lyk all his songs, its stuff hes had 2 live thru n put up with!
if he raps about killin his mam or kim its bcoz they put him thru so much shit!!!
i dont see u abusing songs like mockin bird where he speaks about how he and kim ad 2 struggle wif no money, got burgled, cudnt afford 2 buy his daughter christmas presants etc! u jus wan 2 blame things that you av fuckd up on people like eminem!!!!
who ever wants 2 abuse eminem, actually get 1 ov his albums sit dwn n listen 2 tha words in his songs then maybe, jus maybe u myt understand where hes coming from!!! if not fuck off nd dont listen 2 his music or abuse it eva agen!!!
i jus hate people who abuse eminem! if he wasnt any gud he wudnt av sold 70 million albums and won grammy's for his work!!dddduuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr
you guys are rrrrrreeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyyy stupid. He doesn't mean half the stuff he raps about it's just for kicks.
Yeah...Hitler didn't REALLY mean to kill all those Jews...it was just for kicks.
"Oops, mien bad" - Hitler when asked about the Holocaust
Eminem is a stupid wigger and the worst rapper of all. I first typed all that in here:
Anyone who likes and loves Eminem is a cocksuckin' fucker who can suck my dick. I hate that rapper because he's white and gives black rappers a bad name.
In fact, I typed these things about white people:
1. white people are retarded and need 2 die. lots of black ppl are rich like beyonce, lil wayne, 50 cent, chris brown, nd jada fire
2. nd soulja boy. black ppl are great at singing and rapping and ar alot smarter than white ppl. there arent as many wiggers now cuz black ppl shoot them, black ppl are better than u crackas so admit it
Another thing is that I typed both of those things in here:
Judging by this post of mine, anyone might be able tell that I'm black. If you think that I'm black, then you're right.
Blacks are superior to any other race. But if anyone who reads this wants to prove me wrong, be my guest.
In case you Emine-lovin' losers wanna get back at me, I suggest that you hunt me down in these websites:
And just in case you assholes wanna e-mail me, I'll send you these e-mail address of mine:
I used to be -The Chosen One-. But not anymore. So I decided to use my real name here.
The reason that I came back is because I want to announce that I'm a dickheaded and shitty douchebag for the shit that I typed about Eminem. And so, I take back all that crap I wrote.
I guess that's all.
I was the one who impersonated -The chosen one-, whose real name is Deandre Lee, because I wanted all Eminem fans to hunt him down and attack him. But what I did is wrong. Therefore, I apologize for it.
Now that I've offered an apology, I promise not to impersonate Deandre in this blog again even though he is a jerk.
I'm back again. And this time, I'm here to confess that those e-mail addresses that I posted here aren't mine. Instead, they belong to Deandre Lee. I only lied that they were mine so that other people could attack him for being a jerk.
But as I promised before, I won't impersonate Deandre here again jsut as I won't tell any more lies.
at all eminem fans:
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