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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Animal Rights Groups Upset With Beyonce Knowles

Beyonce Knowles is being bombarded with hate mail from animal rights protesters angered by her fashion label House Of Dereon's use of chinchilla, rabbit and mink fur.

The offices of Beyonce's record label have been flooded with mail from furious anti-fur campaigners - also incited by the pink mink the star wore to the premiere of her new movie The Pink Panther last week.

A record company source tells British newspaper the Daily Express, "Activists have threatened to dump carcasses at our offices or Beyonce's home.

"We've had a huge amount of post complaining. Our receptionists have taken some pretty unpleasant phone calls."

But anti-fur group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) defend the criticism of Beyonce.

A spokesperson says, "She is profiting from the most violent and bloody industry on Earth and should be ashamed."

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