A 33-pound cat in Qingdao, China, is being described as a "feline monster" because f its 31-inch waist and large size, according to a report.
The 9-year-old cat from the Shandong Province is so heavy it needs the help of its owner to get onto a bed. However, the cat is in surprisingly good health despite its weight, Local 6 News reported.
The cat's owner said it has no interest in eating fish but prefers to eat six pounds of chicken and pork each day.
This fat cat is not alone in his weight problem, according to the report. Obesity has become a serious problem for the modern cat, primarily due to a lack of exercise and a richer diet.
local 6

Just passing through, I'm digging the blog by the way..
This cat reminds me of the cat from the kitty cat dance from funny junk.com! Hilarious!
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