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Friday, January 13, 2006
Woman Dressed As Aunt Jemima Banned from Meeting

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- An activist who was arrested after disrupting a City Council meeting in an Aunt Jemima costume has been banned by the council president from attending meetings until the end of March.

Jackie Brown was escorted out of a Nov. 22 City Council meeting after loudly criticizing the council for the city's small business incentive law.

Brown, president of the Jacksonville Coalition of Black Contractors, said the law treats blacks like "slaves" because it does not provide enough opportunities for minority contractors.

She returned during a later public comment period and scuffled with a police officer after refusing to leave when ordered.

Brown was arrested and charged with causing a disturbance at a lawful assembly and resisting a police officer.

A letter this week from Council President Kevin Hyde informing Brown she cannot attend council meetings until March 31 cites a rule that allows the council to remove disruptive citizens from meetings.

(local 6)


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