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Disclaimer: The contents that you read on this site are pure rumors and speculation. Nothing on this site should be perceived to be actual news. All images used on this site are taken from the web.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Mr. Blackwell Announces Worst Dress List

  • Britney Spears: From the 'Princess of Pop' to the ultimate 'Fashion Flop,'" sneers Blackwell of Spears, claiming the new mom "looks like an over-the-hill Lolita."
  • Mary Kate Olsen: "In bag lady rags that look depressingly decayed – forget the 'accessories' and buy some Raid."
  • Jessica Simpson: "It's time to sack the stylist and divorce the designer … she resembles a cut-rate Rapunzel slingin' hash in a Vegas diner."
  • Eva Longoria: "Gorgeous face, garish taste ... what a waste."
  • Mariah Carey: "The world applauds your musical emancipation ... but please – leave that body to our imagination."
  • Paris Hilton: The Burger Queen Sensation may be very rich – but she still looks like yesterday's cheesecake ... with a side of kitsch."
  • Anna Nicole Smith: "Queen Kong."
  • Shakira: "Coiffure by Medusa ... clothes by the Marquis De Sade."
  • Lindsay Lohan: "The Teen Scream defines 'Fashion Fright' – looks like she's aged 30 years overnight."
  • Renee Zellweger: "Runs the gamut from Kewpi Doll Dreck to Red Carpet Wreck … she looks like a painted pumpkin – on a pogo stick."


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