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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Letterman & O'Reilly Clash

A clash of the titans took place Tuesday night on Late Show with David Letterman, when the usually apolitical host let conservative FOX News pundit Bill O'Reilly have it with both barrels on such topics as Iraq.

On Letterman's CBS show, the host visibly bristled when O'Reilly began citing a laundry list of examples of how Christmas has been diminished ("Merry Christmas" having been displaced as a national greeting by "Happy Holidays," an ongoing topic for O'Reilly.)

But when O'Reilly turned to the subject of the war in Iraq, saying, "We ... should be very careful with what we say," Letterman let loose with: "Well, and you should be very careful with what you say also."

Letterman went on to criticize O'Reilly for his attacks on war protester Cindy Sheehan, pointing out that O'Reilly – unlike Sheehan – has not lost a child in the war, and then told O'Reilly: "I have the feeling about 60 percent of what you say is crap."

Letterman also let O'Reilly know that he does not watch The O'Reilly Factor, so he wasn't prepared to go on and dispute O'Reilly's many claims.



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