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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Alexis Stewart: Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages

Martha Stewart's daughter and "Apprentice" co-star, Alexis Stewart, has written Mayor Michael Bloomberg a letter urging him to support a citywide ban on horse-drawn carriages.

In a letter written on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Stewart said she was upset by a recent accident involving a horse that ran into vehicular traffic while pulling a carriage home from Central Park.

The carriage driver was seriously injured. The horse, which hit a car, was euthanized.

"As evidenced by this catastrophe," Stewart wrote in the letter, dated Tuesday, "horse-drawn carriages aren't just cruel to the horses who are forced to work long hours in extreme weather conditions while walking on hard pavement and inhaling exhaust fumes all day long; they are equally dangerous to riders, drivers, pedestrians and motorists."

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