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Friday, December 02, 2005
Live 8 Sues Trimspa

DECEMBER 2--Claiming that an "intoxicated" and "scantily clad" Anna Nicole Smith marred this summer's Live 8 concert in Philadelphia, organizers of the charity fundraiser yesterday sued the Trimspa diet firm for failing to control its erratic spokesmodel and not paying a six-figure promotional fee.

According to a federal lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, a copy of which you'll find below, Trimspa agreed to pay Live 8 Productions $320,000 for commercials during the ABC broadcast of the July 2 show and for Smith to be "integrated" into the production.

The Live 8 complaint, which seeks in excess of $500,000 in damages, contends that Trimspa not only stiffed the group on the promotional fee, but "to add insult to injury, when Ms. Smith showed up to the Philadelphia concert to be integrated into the ABC broadcast...she was intoxicated and scantily clad in revealing attire that was totally inappropriate for a broadcast that would be seen by millions of people in the United States and then rebroadcast throughout the world."

the smoking gun


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