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Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Eminem & Ex-Wife to Wed

DETROIT, Michigan (AP) -- Rap superstar Eminem told a radio show Tuesday that he is back together with his ex-wife and may remarry.

Eminem went through an ugly divorce and custody battle over his young daughter with Kimberly Mathers. They married in 1999, and their divorce was finalized in 2001.

"We have reconciled and are probably going to remarry," Eminem told Detroit radio station WKQI-FM's "Mojo in the Morning" show.

During the interview, he referred to Kimberly Mathers, 30, as "my wife Kim."



Blogger *** said...

Is she actually taller than him? As a woman, I don't date men shorter than me, much less marry them! Of course, I've never dated a famous singing artist either...guess rules can be broken!

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