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Friday, November 04, 2005
Mindy McCready Needs Help

Did anyone watch Oprah yesterday? This poor girl really needs help.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Mindy McCready says she still loves the man charged with nearly beating her to death earlier this year, and her two suicide attempts were the result of their troubled relationship.

"I wanted him to be sorry," McCready said Thursday about her boyfriend, William McKnight, on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

McKnight was charged with attempted murder in May after he allegedly broke into the country singer's home and assaulted her.

During the interview, McCready described the attack and recalled being choked and "gurgling on blood." She broke into tears several times.

"That feeling of not being able to breathe is something I'll never forget," she said.

But McCready said she still loves McKnight and has been with him since the attack. She told Winfrey that she became pregnant by McKnight unintentionally in July and is carrying his baby.

(complete story)


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