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Thursday, November 03, 2005
Jack White: Sell Out?

The White Stripes frontman Jack White has recorded a track for a Coca-Cola advertisement -- but he insists he's not a commercial sell-out.

The singer confessed to having reservations about the project when approached by the soft drink giants earlier this year, but now hails the ad tune as "inspiring" and the product as "the greatest drink ever."

He says, "I've written a song and I wrote it really quickly and it's an interesting commercial that's been made.

"We get offered commercials all the time, but it doesn't really ever interest me very much. This was inspiring for me.

"I think it's the greatest drink ever made by man. I used to have six a day.

"But I'm not particularly concerned with the product, I'm more interested in getting a message across in a way that I'd never normally have the means to accomplish."

The broadcast date for the commercial is yet to be confirmed.



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