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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
U2 Night on Conan O'Brien
O'Brien will turn over his entire show to the band, which is in New York for seven sold-out engagements at Madison Square Garden.

"We were able to offer them something to feel enough like an event for them to do the show," Pitt said. "It's basically `Late Night with Conan O'Brien,' the U2 edition."

O'Brien's a big U2 fan, and made a personal connection by talking at length with Bono during breaks in rehearsals for the band's "Saturday Night Live" appearance last season, Pitt said.

The band is expected to perform three songs and be interviewed by O'Brien.

"When U2 decides they want to come on the show for an hour, you don't get too picky about what they play," he said.


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